
Sunday, January 23, 2011

I Need to Find a Way... get back to healthy.

Kids are done. No more are coming. No more excuses about how I'm just going to get fat again, so what is the point. Stinkerbell is 18 months and although she is still not a great sleeper, she is better. It is livable. No more using tired as an excuse.

I keep getting sick. I've always gotten sick in the winter but this year has taken it to a whole other place. I've gotten every single bug that has gone around. I'm tired of it. Surely, if I eat better and exercise that will help.

But it's hard....being a mom, being a's so hard. When I have "free time" (a.k.a. when I'm ignoring the list of things I should be doing) I just want to sit. I just want to be. I don't want to work up a sweat or feel the burn or run through the pain.

So, here it is. I'm asking for some help. You are going to keep me accountable.

The Plan:
Monday - weigh in day :P
Monday, Wednesday, Friday - C25k (couch to 5k) running program
Three days minimum - 30 day shred or P90X
Every day - eat better...start tracking calories again....maybe think about weight watchers if that doesn't work.

I will update here every Monday. Help me please...cheer me on, tell me your stories (I know so many of you are doing the same thing), help me.


  1. I am currently working on working on me and I weigh in every friday and monday along with Sam so I'll put a big old sticky note on my computer to ask you every monday =) We also have short term goals to lose a little weight before Feb. 25th (Sam's birthday!) so do you want to get in on that? what about 5 pounds by then? thats a little over a pound a week!!

  2. Go Amanda!!! Kassie and I'll stalk ya :) I've been pretty lucky with sicknesses *knock on wood* but I feel about 58 yrs old and I'm only 27, so yeah, I hear ya on getting healthy.

  3. Thanks you guys. 5 lbs by Feb. 25th sounds like a good start for sure.
