
Monday, February 28, 2011

Motivational Monday

So all in all it was a nutty week around here. I was out of town Wednesday - Friday so we all know what that means. I was eating out and not doing it well. It also meant there was no working out to be had. So, I was expecting some pretty awful results when I weighed in tonight. Boy, was I surprised to find out I'm only up 1.2lbs. Maybe we are seeing some progress in metabolism??? One can only hope.

When I was in Calgary for teacher's convention I was lucky enough to get to go listen to a real Canadian hero, women's hockey gold medalist, Cassie Campbell. She was talking to us about how to be an effective leader. Using the experiences of an athlete fighting for her sport as an example. It was a really great talk.

She showed this video to start it off. I have seen it many times and it always feels me with an amazing sense of pride and brings tears to my eyes. I figure it was fitting today since I am finally starting to believe that maybe, just maybe, I can do this:

Monday, February 21, 2011

Motivational Monday

Here we are....another Monday. I survived another week working out and trying....oh I am eat better. To do better. I failed at the eating part this week but despite my best efforts at sabotage and thank you to the 30 Day Shred....I am down 2.9lbs. So I will celebrate. It could've been better but it could've been way worse. This week, I will do better. It will be hard but I am leaving all my cheating for the two days I am out of town.

So here is our motivation...

'It's not the size of the dog in the fight, but the size of the fight in the dog.'
- Mark Twain

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Project 52 : February 5

Someday I'll get all caught up on this project. I am at least remembering to take the pictures. It is editing and posting that is slacking. The theme for this week was Reflection. I was trying to catch a reflection in the sunglasses Stinkerbell was playing with. It didn't really work but this pic was too cute to pass up:

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

The Most Difficult Meal of the Day

All this focus on losing weight and getting healthy and here I am, still not eating breakfast. I make plenty of great excuses about no time, no good food, makes me feel sick, etc. etc. Let's face it though, if I could just eat something in the morning I would probably eat less the rest of the day. I know I have a blood sugar crash right around 4pm and basically end up eating two suppers by the time I have a snack.

So, if you are out there and you are reading...what are your favorite quick and easy, healthy but filling breakfast ideas??


Monday, February 14, 2011

Motivational Monday

So, I am not weighing in today. Being that it is Valentine's Day and I just drowned myself in garlic mean went out for dinner and had crab legs and steak, I am not doing it. I will weigh in tomorrow morning. Now, I don't know that 10 hours will really make a difference but I feel like it will and well, that's all that matters. I do however have your daily dose of motivation:

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Project 52: January 29

So, the theme I went with this week is sleep. Ahhhhhh, sleep, how I love thee.....

Well, in our house, since Stinkerbell came along. Sleep can be hard to come by and you never know when it will be interrupted. McQueen had me spoiled. He slept in five hour stretches right from day one. I remember always getting in crap at the hospital for letting him sleep but honestly, it was the best thing I ever did. He never ever got out of his habit of sleeping at night and into the habit of eating every two hours all night long. He stayed a good sleeper and it wasn't long before he was a great sleeper. Now Stinkerbell, on the other hand, showed me what sleepless nights are all about. Here we are 18 months later and she will still throw in a bad night here and there just to keep us all on our toes. Cry it out, don't cry it out, nothing really works long term. She sleeps through just often enough to make the nights when she doesn't extra awful.

Now that McQueen is 5 he is go, go, go, all day long. It never ceases to amaze me the energy that seems to endlessly exist in him. He is always too busy for pictures and so, since he is my good sleeper, and since stillness is not something I often see from him:

Monday, February 7, 2011

Motivational Monday

Good news today!!! Woohoo!!! I am officially 3.7 lbs less than I was last week. At last some results. I am especially excited by this because I had a rough week last week. I only got two workouts in because I was overwhelmed by sick, nonsleeping children. I was sure that I would've gotten no where.

I actually missed my workouts. Who knew that was possible? So maybe we are getting somewhere. Maybe a lifestyle change is possible. Maybe when you take enough small steps forward you can eventually cross continents.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Say What???

We all know that little kids say the darndest things, but when you hang out with teenagers all day you quickly learn that it isn't something they've grown out of. I often get asked questions that I never ever imagined I would be expected to answer. It is amazing where their minds can wander too. So, I thought I would share these two lovely questions with you so you can laugh along with me. Let's be honest here, when you teach jr. high you learn to laugh, because it is that or go sit in the corner and cry.

"Do you think you could get crabs in your beard if you had one? Or just lice?"


"Do all people fart dust?"

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Fix You

Let me start out by saying that I hope I never know what it is like to have my children suffer something serious. I don't know how parents survive stuff like that. Little things that you cannot fix as a parent are hard enough.

Tonight, my baby girl was asleep on my chest at 6pm. That NEVER happens. She has woken up the past few mornings a little stuffy but looking ok. By the time I get off of work, she has a fever and her eyes are so puffy and watery she can barely keep them open. Yesterday she fought very hard to stay awake until bedtime. Today, I brought her home and she was very quiet. Definitely not her usual chatty self.

There were two things she was adamant about. "Up," she ordered me. I couldn't snuggle with her on the couch. I had to stand. Ok. "Walk." For my sick baby girl whose swollen eyes and runny nose are hurting my heart because she is miserable and I want to fix it. This seems a small thing I can do. So, we walk. Around and around the living room....around and around the kitchen island. When Cam came home I got a small break while she said hello, and then she let me sit with her on the couch...with one condition, "Bounce." So, we cuddled up and I bounced my leg gently rocking her against my chest. Not 10 minutes later she was out.

Sleep pretty baby. Please get well.