
Monday, January 31, 2011

Motivational Monday

'We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore, is not an act but a habit.' - Aristotle

So, after week one of trying to get healthy I haven't lost any weight. I haven't gained any, but still...that is kind of a bummer. I really eased myself into it though so this week I will need to work a little harder at it. I was also thinking I should take some measurements. A friend of mine told me she found that more rewarding that watching a scale because even if her weight didn't change she would see results there. So I will do that tomorrow...first I need to find a measuring tape.

I think I need to be doing some type of workout every day. No more slacking off. an effort to motivate myself I introduce to you...Motivational Monday. I will find some quote/video/whatever that I find motivational/funny/whatever. Maybe it will help us on our quest...

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Project 52: January 22

The theme for this week was Tired. In this house, when we are tired, we have a "Pajama Day". I know it doesn't sound all that exciting but the kids really love staying in their PJs all day and watching movies and hanging out with Mom and Dad. Sometimes we cook, sometimes we order in, but either way we just spend the day enjoying each others company. They really are the best days.

Project 52 : January 15

Slowly but surely, I'm catching up. For my Week 3 photo I chose this one:

My theme this week was cold, so I figured...what cuter way to show this than a pic of my baby girl all bundled up. Doesn't she look impressed?

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Project 52 : January 8

This is a sight I see a lot these days. My daughter bringing me some random item of clothing that she insists I put on her. Now that we've reached the stage of full blown sentences and diva princess attitude, there really is no denying her. She won't forget. She won't be distracted. She will just keep repeating..."Mitts on"...."Pants on"...."Socks on"...until you either go insane or give in.

I figure of all the battles to let her win, this is one I can live with. So she looks a little dorky with one of her brother's socks on over top of her footy pjs, or mitts on inside and only one boot, or layers upon layers until she declares herself hot. She is a girl through and through and apparently, her love of fashion starts early and she is going to set the trends...not follow them.

You go little one...

Monday, January 24, 2011

Weekly Weigh In

I think I will start a weight loss page on here so I can update everything I do and if you aren't interested you won't have to look over there. Look for a tab at the top saying Road to Health and I will update there after this.

So, I officially started today. It was hard because I was so tired after being sick and then being back to work. After supper it was so tempting to just curl up on the couch. However, knowing you were here reading along and expecting something from me I had to do it. It's working already. You are giving me just that small push I need just by reading along. Thank you.

So I did Week 2 Day 2 of the Couch 2 5k. It is a 5 minute warm up walk followed by alternating 90 seconds of running and 2 minutes of walking for 21 minutes and then another 5 minute cool down walk. It was easier than Week 2 Day 1 so I must be headed in the right direction.

Then I went up and weighed in on the Wii. It was bad, but not as bad as I was expecting. I am officially 169.1 lbs. I would like to lose 30 of this. We will see, we will see. I am about 10lbs away from no longer being considered overweight. I would be happy with that for a start.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

I Need to Find a Way... get back to healthy.

Kids are done. No more are coming. No more excuses about how I'm just going to get fat again, so what is the point. Stinkerbell is 18 months and although she is still not a great sleeper, she is better. It is livable. No more using tired as an excuse.

I keep getting sick. I've always gotten sick in the winter but this year has taken it to a whole other place. I've gotten every single bug that has gone around. I'm tired of it. Surely, if I eat better and exercise that will help.

But it's hard....being a mom, being a's so hard. When I have "free time" (a.k.a. when I'm ignoring the list of things I should be doing) I just want to sit. I just want to be. I don't want to work up a sweat or feel the burn or run through the pain.

So, here it is. I'm asking for some help. You are going to keep me accountable.

The Plan:
Monday - weigh in day :P
Monday, Wednesday, Friday - C25k (couch to 5k) running program
Three days minimum - 30 day shred or P90X
Every day - eat better...start tracking calories again....maybe think about weight watchers if that doesn't work.

I will update here every Monday. Help me please...cheer me on, tell me your stories (I know so many of you are doing the same thing), help me.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Project 52 : January 1

One of my resolutions this year was going to be to participate in a Project 365. Knowing myself a little better than that though, I knew that would last all of 5 days so I decided to do a Project 52 instead. This way I didn't have to drag out the camera every day; just once a week. Most weeks I'm sure it will just be pics of the tiny humans. They are pretty much the biggest part of my life. I figure you all won't mind. I mean, they are cute.

I did find some themes I will follow too. However, since I just found them, the first few weeks are just randomness.

Now, without further ado, week one. This is my tiny little diva showing off her best crocodile tears:

Friday, January 21, 2011

Business Idea

I was laying in bed today trying not to die from the pain being caused by the infection in my sinuses. While I was busy just breathing, my mom was downstairs looking after my kids and cleaning my house. She is amazing.

It got me thinking though, why is there no call-in service for moms. You could call it Moms4Moms or something like that. They could be like substitute teachers only better. They could come over and make you soup and get the tiny humans to stop climbing on you and screaming in your ear. They could change diapers and do laundry and handle naptime. They could look under the couch, or in the tiny potty, for the sippy cup your daughter has taken to hiding lately. They could turn the Wii on for your son or dress him in his winter clothes and then undress him five minutes later. They could do the one million and one things you, the mom, would normally do in a day. They could be the ultimate babysitter. So, for the first time ever since you had your first baby (unless you have a mom as wonderful as mine who just so happens to have that day off and live close by) you could really have a sick day. Remember those? Sick days?

I had forgotten how wonderful it is to just heal.


I've been meaning to start a new blog for a while now. I had one when my son was a baby but in the crazy, hectic whirlwind that is being a mom it soon became a ghost town. Since then there have been so many changes. I am now a mom to two little monsters and while this does equal more craziness, it also means I seek out and cherish my "me-time" all that much more.

Enter: blogging

I think this will be a great way to use my time to do something that will not only offer an escape but allow me to record this time in my life that seems to be zooming by faster than Lightning McQueen (any guesses as to my son's favorite movie). It truly seems like I had my second baby and blinked and now here we are exactly 18 months later and I have no idea how she went from my tiny little lump that never let me sleep to this walking, talking, opinionated princess who knows exactly what she wants and how she wants it.

Hopefully, you will enjoy taking this ride with me as I love, laugh, cry, scream and try to hold it all together.