
Friday, January 21, 2011

Business Idea

I was laying in bed today trying not to die from the pain being caused by the infection in my sinuses. While I was busy just breathing, my mom was downstairs looking after my kids and cleaning my house. She is amazing.

It got me thinking though, why is there no call-in service for moms. You could call it Moms4Moms or something like that. They could be like substitute teachers only better. They could come over and make you soup and get the tiny humans to stop climbing on you and screaming in your ear. They could change diapers and do laundry and handle naptime. They could look under the couch, or in the tiny potty, for the sippy cup your daughter has taken to hiding lately. They could turn the Wii on for your son or dress him in his winter clothes and then undress him five minutes later. They could do the one million and one things you, the mom, would normally do in a day. They could be the ultimate babysitter. So, for the first time ever since you had your first baby (unless you have a mom as wonderful as mine who just so happens to have that day off and live close by) you could really have a sick day. Remember those? Sick days?

I had forgotten how wonderful it is to just heal.


  1. Fantastic Idea!!! I would LOVE a sick day or even just a "me" day once in a while!

  2. I remember how hectic it was for us and was so glad to have my mom close by to help. Cherish these times because 18 months becomes 18 years before you know it.We are so thankful to be a part of our grandkids lives we can spoil them and send them home wired on sugar.Love you mom
