
Sunday, February 13, 2011

Project 52: January 29

So, the theme I went with this week is sleep. Ahhhhhh, sleep, how I love thee.....

Well, in our house, since Stinkerbell came along. Sleep can be hard to come by and you never know when it will be interrupted. McQueen had me spoiled. He slept in five hour stretches right from day one. I remember always getting in crap at the hospital for letting him sleep but honestly, it was the best thing I ever did. He never ever got out of his habit of sleeping at night and into the habit of eating every two hours all night long. He stayed a good sleeper and it wasn't long before he was a great sleeper. Now Stinkerbell, on the other hand, showed me what sleepless nights are all about. Here we are 18 months later and she will still throw in a bad night here and there just to keep us all on our toes. Cry it out, don't cry it out, nothing really works long term. She sleeps through just often enough to make the nights when she doesn't extra awful.

Now that McQueen is 5 he is go, go, go, all day long. It never ceases to amaze me the energy that seems to endlessly exist in him. He is always too busy for pictures and so, since he is my good sleeper, and since stillness is not something I often see from him:


  1. ohmygoodness!!!

    That little boy is a heart melter!!! Little heart throb lol!!

  2. Thats our little angel He stole our heart from day one
