
Friday, September 16, 2011

Someone Make This For Me

Stinkerbell LOVES her tubs. Like really really loves them. She has one just about every day, at her insistence. Here's the thing though. She much prefers to play in there with the water running. Once the tub is full and I shut it off, it isn't near as much fun. Some days, if I'm playing around on the computer trying to finish something important, I've been known to let the water out and start again. Wasteful and wrong, I know.

So, here's what I need. Some sort of apparatus like they have in garden fountains and what not, that will cycle the water out of the full tub and back down through the faucet so she things that it's still filling up. Then I think she might stay in there longer than 10 minutes. Wouldn't that be nice???

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