
Monday, September 12, 2011

Potential for Disaster

I was recently lucky enough to win tickets to see Ovo by Cirque du Soleil. Thank you Ironic Mom! The downside was I was gone to Vegas the week before and didn't have time to make plans to take anyone with me. My mom casually suggested taking Stinkerbell. Um, what? She's 2....and yeah...she's 2. At first I thought this was the worst idea ever. I mean, can you say, "Hello glaring strangers who paid good money for their seats. Have you met my screaming 2 year old who won't sit still?" If anything had the potential for disaster it was this idea.

The more I thought about it and the more I realized how hard it was going to be to find 3 people who didn't have plans for Saturday, aka tomorrow, the more I started thinking, what the hell. She's been golfing twice, which involves just sitting in the cart fooling around and being as quiet as a two year old can be while Nana and Papa hit their shots. Surely this would be similar, right?

I followed this up with a good Google search: 2 year old and Ovo which lead me to discover that
1. It was a kid friendly show - they provide booster seats for the under 4 feet tall set
2. It was a matinee - if you don't like kids do not go to a matinee....ever
3. Other kids ranging from 17 months to 3 years old (a relevant age range, I thought) had enjoyed it
4. I still had one ticket left
5. The ticket was free so if I had to leave....

So, the decision was made. She was coming with me.

This was the best decision I could've made. She was amazing! Sure she was yelling a little bit, "OOOHHH! What is that guy doing?", "Look, Mom, he's jumping!", "WOW! Look! Look!" But it was just enthusiasm for the amazing show. I figure it was the two year old version of Ooohing and Aahing. She also climbed back and forth from her seat to my lap but she only kicked the lady in front of us once so that was a success. I was the only one made slightly uncomfortable by her presence and that was made up for by the look on her face while she watched the show. She danced in her seat with the biggest grin on her face trying desperately to clap along with the beat like the rest of the audience. That memory right there is worth more than money. More than what anyone who might've been annoyed by here paid for their seats. Only a true grump could've looked at the little girl filled with joy and been angry. And if they did? I didn't see them. And if they did? I feel sorry for them.

So, thank you Cirque du Soleil for an amazing performance. I've never ever been disappointed by one of their shows (this is my third one). They are amazing and breathtaking and full of wonder. I'm so glad I got to share this with one of the little people I love the most.

Have you ever taken your kids somewhere you were worried about their behaviour and had them completely surprise you?

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad you enjoyed it. I loved it, too. I mean the music. The costumes. The crickets on the trampoline! I think I said wow 22 times.

