
Sunday, September 18, 2011

Some People Make Me Sick

So I was Stumbling around the internet when I came across this great blog by a mom raising a little boy who likes pink and to play with a purse, to put it simply. Her post was a response to one written by an extremely close-minded Catholic mother who feels she can't even take her kids to the park because her state allows gay marriage and now, in her opinion, they are everywhere and rubbing their, I don't know, "gayness?" in everyone's faces. She doesn't want to explain it to her kids so she's staying home.

Can I just say how sick it made me feel to read this? I literally almost threw up. This is the world I have to explain to my kids thanks to people like her. I am going to have to explain why some people choose to hate other people because of things that don't affect them or anyone else. I mean, how does it affect her to see two people who love each other and love their children playing at the park. Really? If I was her I'd be more worried about my kids wondering why I was such a hateful bitch than why little Johnny has two mommies. She can hide behind religion all she wants but the bottom line is, she is choosing to hate without reason and that is disgusting.

Alright, I'm done ranting. Back to your regularly scheduled programming....

1 comment:

  1. I read the original post too and it made my blood boil! My sister is a DEVOTE Catholic who happens to remember that Jesus loved ALL. She's totally disgusted by people who act like that. It pisses me off too when people hide behind their religion like that
